
Wednesday, January 1, 2025


January the 1st

It being a new year I am reviving this web-site. I haven’t written here in too long. July of 2023 to be precise. But I am going to do better about that.

Mainly due to the changes going on with my writing. Some things are still up in the air. But there are others to be discussed.

The main thing right now is a book that was just published. An unexpected, answered prayer for me. To go back to the beginning, in 2019 I started writing a story for an upcoming anthology. The Moon Man Vol. 3 from Airship 27. While I was writing it Mom passed away and I nearly gave up and didn’t feel like finishing the story. But I pushed through and got it done and turned it in. Unfortunately one of the other writers didn’t turn in his story and the book didn’t get published. That hit me pretty hard and took the wind out of my sails for a couple years.

Fast forward to 2024. I found out that Amazon would be shuttering the Vella program. That being how I’d been mainly publishing my writing I was hit hard once more. I am still searching for an alternative that I feel will work for me. But on December 5th, the last day to upload episodes for the Vella, I received an email from Ron at Airship 27. It let me know that the Moon Man book was going to be published at last. After five years the story I wrote was finally going to see the light of day. A week later I got a proof copy to review. I went over it and was happy with it, so I responded that it was fine. Then it was time to wait once more.

I didn’t have long to wait however. Last night, on New Year’s Eve, I got another email informing me that the book had been published and was now available on Amazon. What a great and blessed start to this new year. I am thankful to God for this and now am feeling pretty optimistic for the year to come.

I still need to figure out how I’ll be publishing my stories going forward. But I have faith that when the time comes the answer will be there.